• Address : 4/48 – B, LajpatKunj, Agra
  • 24 Hours Hospital No : 0562-2525369, 2521569. : OPD - 7078432277, 7819815921

Internal Medicines & Critical Care


Dr Kamlesh Tandon Hospital team perform an essential role at this multi-disciplinary hospital. We offer 24×7 care to patients in potentially life-threatening conditions requiring life support system and other intensive medical interventions. Anesthetics is the medical specialty that provides anesthesia for a variety of surgical operations and procedures. Patients severe injuries and failure of one or many organs like cardiac, pulmonary, neurology or liver and kidney are immediately taken to the Critical Care Unit ( CCU)The department is driven by the ideology- the more organized the services are the better the outcomes for the patients will be, ICUs are manned round the clock by critical care consultants, dedicated nurses and technicians with specialized training in critical care services.